
Recent News from the BioBall Innovation Space

Energie-effizient - nachhaltig - artgerecht: Die Garnelenfarm in Hessen

Im BioBall Projekt "Insektenbasierte Aquakultur (InA)" wird die Garnelenzucht auf Basis von Insekten weiterentwickelt.
Jetzt gab es das Richtfest für die Pilotanlage an der Uni Gießen. Die Hessenschau hat ausführlich über das vielversprechende Projekt berichtet.


The project is supported by the BMBF funding measure "Innovation Spaces Bioeconomy" within the framework of the "National Research Strategy Bioeconomy 2030".


Provadis Hochschule

Provadis Hochschule is the university of the industry and offers dual and part-time science and business degree programs for more than 1,200 students throughout Germany.


DECHEMA e.V. is the competent network for chemical engineering and biotechnology in Germany. As a non-profit professional society, it represents these fields in science, industry, politics and society.